Tuesday, May 5, 2009

My Meadow, My Sanctuary

There is a field of daisies 
And we are lying on a bed of clover
Off in the distance is a hill 
Covered with the fluff of dandelions.

Each floating seed carrying on its back
My wish that this is an infinite moment
That your arms will always be around me
And I am always warm in their embrace

One arm is under me, your hand on my shoulder
While I am turned into you, pressed to your side 
We are both smiling as you kiss my forehead
Your eyes sparkle in the sunshine

We share secrets with one another
And you sing to me, softly
Willing me to sing along
The harmony gentle as we lay, supine

I can hear the wind whisper, then start to shout
As dark clouds roll in, and the sky turns an angry gray
And worry crosses your face
Your eyes cloud and darken with the sky

The meadow shakes with the first loud thunderclap
A thunderclap that is one and the same
With the one that shakes my room
Waking me from my dream of you

So now, not only am I alone,
But the storm makes me wish terribly 
That there was someone more to hold me
Than the stuffed rabbit I now clutch, terrified…

The mattress, soft beneath me
Would be a welcome comfort any other night
But is as concrete on a night
When only moments before I laid in the comfort of your arms

The lightning illuminates my room
A poor mockery of the sun I thought I felt only moments ago
And the blankets now pulled up to my chin
A pitiable substitute for your arms

And worst of all, what I imagined as the gentle dandelion seeds
Bearing my wishes to eternity
Is the rain falling on my face
Through the open window above me

Dear night, kind darkness
Envelope me in delicious quiet
Hold me in your dim caress
Please let me stay for days to come.

Dearest sleep, gentle slumber
Take me back to the meadow, the flowers, the gentle wind
Take me back to nights gone by in his arms
Pray, let me rest my head on the clover

May 5, 2009-- 3:29 a.m.

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