Saturday, May 9, 2009

What Connie Said

Tonight, my friend Connie and I were watching a movie...
It was Love Actually, which was, in case you wondered
Very very good...
And I thought it would make me sad, but it didn't...
Because even though the guy in the movie that reminded me of me
Kind of got a raw deal, I got the feeling
That he was going to be okay either way...

But I digress... what I really wanted to touch on
Was something that Connie said,
And it made me actually stop and think for a second.
At one point, I got agitated, looked at her, and said,
"Why isn't he running after her?!?! Why won't anyone run after anyone?"
And Connie just very simply said, 
"Nobody runs after anyone in real life, Amanda."
She's right.

1 comment:

kellerie said...

not true, not true! the right one will run after you. eventually, anyways.