Friday, June 26, 2009

Finally Taking Some Time...

I realize that I haven't updated in awhile... all you people out there in blog world are, I'm sure, chomping at the bit, waiting for the next update about my boring, mundane life... Well, chomp no more!

I'm stuck at the desk for just over an hour,
And my brain has officially melted past the point
That I can even concentrate on Rollercoaster Tycoon...
That's how I KNOW I need to go to bed...

Anyway, yesterday, Andrew and Jamie vistited from Toledo
So the three of us, and Dan went out for dinner
Which was lovely... it was good to see them all again
Plus, last weekend, Connie came up!

This is a whole story in itself... Connie got here Friday afternoon
We decided to drive to Ikea in Pittsburgh...
It was an absolute blast! We went to the mall too, which was a lot of fun
And we didn't even get lost on the way there!

I also learned that in Pennsylvania, they make you pay when you get ON the turnpike
Instead of when you get off... And I didn't like this.
In fact, I was so irritated, that as we pulled up to the booth
I exclaimed, "$3.75?!?! Pennsylvania can lick my balls..."
Connie thought it was hilarious... The toll booth operator wasn't quite so tickled...
And now that I'm typing this, I realize I sound fairly ignorant...
Ohwell... it makes for an entertaining story...

So, we did lots of browsing at Ikea, and only ended up with a few purchases...
Both of us got reusable shopping bags with the logo on them...
And Connie found a hot pink toilet brush and pizza cutter
(In case you were wondering, separate items... not a set)
And I found this really nifty silverware (plasticware) with matching bowls.
So what if they're made for small children... the colors are neat.

Then on Saturday, we went to Vermilion for the Fish festival.
Britt, A.J. and Nikki were there too...
And we had a lot of fun. Connie found a little rubber duck for her sister
And we ate lots of fair food (Connie had her first chocolate covered oreo!)
We all hung out at Nikki's for awhile and played Gamecube
Which Connie was hilariously terrible at...
And then came back to Kent.

At this point, Connie and I went to see Dani
Because she was in Kent moving stuff into her apartment
So we went to the housewarming/21st birthday party for Dani's friend, Katie
Where Connie and I warbled along merrily with the karaoke machine
Which was a blasty blast...

Sunday morning, we squeezed in one last activity before Connie left
And went to Chapel Hill mall... It was a good weekend for malls
We managed to find a couple really good sales... which is always awesome.
Then, Connie left me, and I stood in the parking lot and waved
Until she was out of sight... sadface...

But yes, that was my blasty blast of a weekend...
It's been nice to see so many friends... I'm really glad
Well, this ate up about ten minutes... I can't focus on this blog
I hope there wasn't something else I meant to say...
Goodbye for now!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

I Think It's the Sleep Deprivation

I know you're all super-interested in the screwed up dreams I have... Well, here is yet another one... I think I need to develop a regular sleep schedule...

Okay, so it was a big group of people...
We were in the auditorium for my high school
Sort of... it was more ostentatious 
And there were a lot more pianos on stage
It was an odd assortment of people...

Jason and Dani were there from RA staff
A handful of people from theater class in high school...
I think Mandy, Zac and Gen, but maybe more
Then there was Jess, and his bandmate Cory
Senor Amstutz (because it wouldn't really be theater if he wasn't there)

Anyway, halfway up the aisle was a microfridge
Which was dripping Pepsi and orange juice
And, ever the RA that I am, I was cleaning it up
While everyone else was on stage

Then, Jason and Dani came running up the aisle 
Because Jason had a secret he needed to tell her
And he didn't want anyone else to hear
So the two of them climbed into the microfridge
(I'm still trying to figure out the logistics of that one)
And he told her that he had a new girlfriend.

Then they climbed out of the microfridge 
And sat down next to me while I was cleaning
I think that this was our last time in the auditorium or something
Senor was trying to get us to act or sing or something
He was very sad about it...
So Jason went bounding down the aisleway, and jumped on stage
Cory started playing guitar while Zac sang 
And then we all sang along as backup on stage

And Andrew from... actually I don't think I ever had class with him
He was Peter Pan in the theater class before mine...
Either way, I realized he looks incredibly similar to Nate,
Who was in my Swing Dancing class this year
Anyway... Andrew ran in, jumped onstage and went to the piano
And immediately started playing something that sounded very similar
To "Hurricane" by Something Corporate...

Either way, I remember this odd assortment people were up on stage
Warbling away at the random song (which I cannot, for the life of me, remember)
And that Senor was sitting in the front row
With this beamingly proud look in his face,
Clapping for us and crying...

The end.  Ta da... I need to be sedated, I think.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

So Now I'm a Movie Critic...

Okay, so myself and some girls from work just got done watching a movie... "He's Just Not That Into You."  Which was, surprizingly cute.  (You may have noticed I've discarded my normal format for poetry-type entries... I'm feeling very rambly at the moment, and must capture as much of it as I can...)  It was also, however, incredibly sappy.  Normally, the idea of syrupy-sweet love stories kind of angers me, because that's never how love actually happens in real life.... 

But this time, in this movie, I was really glad to see how it ended... Instead of repulsing me, it gave me an iota of hope... Because this movie (which I realize is just that... a movie... not real) has me thinking that maybe a 20-year old girl that's never been on a "real" date actually has a place in this day and age.  

I know that it's asinine to base my life off of films, books, or television.  I also know that these mediums wouldn't portray the storylines they do unless there was a modicum of truth to them.  True, it may only be in a miniscule percent of real life, but I want very badly to believe that some kind of overwhelming, great, shout-it-from-the-mountaintops love is in my near future...

I also want to believe that sometimes, it's okay to overanalyze everything that a person does, because there might be a shred of reality to it... And even if there isn't, I know the things that will make me happy when I see them in other people.  

This post isn't written out of disappointment, or soul-searching or awkwardness. (well, maybe a little awkwardness, but if there was none, it wouldn't be mine)  I just kind of feel... Okay.  And not okay in a bad way, just okay.  If that makes any sense at all... For now, I'm content to sit here and blog... And who knows what tomorrow might bring?

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Underpaid and Overtired...

Though not usually a huge proponent of energy drinks, 
(They make my kidneys angry at me)
Here I sit, Monster Khaos in hand, 
In an attempt to make it through the desk shift that's just begun
It's 8:26 a.m., currently, and I worked midnight to 4 a.m. also.

So after a nap of a few hours, I'm back...
Aaron needed a shift switched, and I don't know how to say no
For now, I'm watching Red Dawn and attempting to focus 
On anything really... but I'm somewhat dizzy at the moment...

As soon as noon rolls around, I'm going back to sleep until around 4:00
At which point, I'll have to get up and get ready
So I can go help Dan move into his new apartment.
Ta ta... I'll come up with a more interesting post later.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Working the Desk

It's Wednesday night, and I find myself at the desk.
It's 7:45, which means I have just over 4 hours left.
I just finished the most recent book I've been reading...

It's called, Stay With Me and I chose it because of the cover...
There was a daisy on it, with petals falling off...
I actually pick up a lot of books based on the cover...
Which I know, is not always the best way, but it works for me

I actually really liked it a lot, which was nice,
Because when I first started reading it, I didn't think I would.
There were just a lot of little things that made me hesitant
And it ended up being a lovely story
About a girl trying to figure things out...
It gave me an odd sense of peacefulness at the end...

Anyway, if you're looking for something to read, you might try it.
It was interesting and somewhat different from a lot of what I've read.
Back to work...