Sunday, June 7, 2009

So Now I'm a Movie Critic...

Okay, so myself and some girls from work just got done watching a movie... "He's Just Not That Into You."  Which was, surprizingly cute.  (You may have noticed I've discarded my normal format for poetry-type entries... I'm feeling very rambly at the moment, and must capture as much of it as I can...)  It was also, however, incredibly sappy.  Normally, the idea of syrupy-sweet love stories kind of angers me, because that's never how love actually happens in real life.... 

But this time, in this movie, I was really glad to see how it ended... Instead of repulsing me, it gave me an iota of hope... Because this movie (which I realize is just that... a movie... not real) has me thinking that maybe a 20-year old girl that's never been on a "real" date actually has a place in this day and age.  

I know that it's asinine to base my life off of films, books, or television.  I also know that these mediums wouldn't portray the storylines they do unless there was a modicum of truth to them.  True, it may only be in a miniscule percent of real life, but I want very badly to believe that some kind of overwhelming, great, shout-it-from-the-mountaintops love is in my near future...

I also want to believe that sometimes, it's okay to overanalyze everything that a person does, because there might be a shred of reality to it... And even if there isn't, I know the things that will make me happy when I see them in other people.  

This post isn't written out of disappointment, or soul-searching or awkwardness. (well, maybe a little awkwardness, but if there was none, it wouldn't be mine)  I just kind of feel... Okay.  And not okay in a bad way, just okay.  If that makes any sense at all... For now, I'm content to sit here and blog... And who knows what tomorrow might bring?

1 comment:

Ahhlee! said...

Aw you have a place Amanda. I am also a 20 year old girl and I have never been on a date either. Hell, I haven't even kissed anyone.