Wednesday, May 27, 2009

My Day (Not a Fun or Interesting Post)

Only slept 4 hours... 
Got up at 8, 
Had class 9-12, 
Went straight to training, 
Got done at 6, 
Typed notes for Student Accesibility Services, 
Did my homework for class, 
Worked on RCRs for almost 2 hours... 
Only halfway done

I'm exhausted... 

I'm gonna skip reading the chapter for tomorrow, 
And sleep... 

Class 9-12 again, 
Then a meeting 12-1, 
Training from 1-6:30, 
And then more notes, 
Homework, RCRs... 
And then doing bulletin boards....

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Strange Dream... Let Me Tell You About It...

So, I took a rather long nap... longer than I intended
I fell asleep around 2, and didn't get up till 6
I had a weird dream... very strange
My dreams are getting progressively stranger...

Of everything I dreamed, one of the strangest was the last
I had a dream that I was a French girl, living in Paris 
It was an older time period, and I know that
Because I was wearing one of the giant, hoopskirted dresses
And giant pantaloon things underneath...
Plus, these really pretty, jewel enncrusted ballet-type slippers
Which I guess technically are a modern shoe, 
But in my dream, they fit right in...
Wow, giant digression... but it matters, I suppose

My mother (who was not my actual, real life mother...
I've never seen this woman before)
Okay, another digression... Usually, I dream about real people
But lately, it's been a lot of people I've never met before

Either way... 
Basically, I was getting into a carriage, 
I overhead my mother talking to another woman
She apparently decided that I was supposed to go to America
So, I flipped out... I yelled, "America?!"
And this boy, I think he was the other woman's son...
Appeared and said, "This is how you told her?"
And then I was yelling, "You knew?!?!"

I jumped out of the carriage
I was running up the hill, trying to rip off my jacket
And the boy was running after me... he was in love with me
And I was laying on the ground, ripping off my shoes
Trying to take off my jacket, which was stuck on one arm
He very softly was telling me "I think you ought to keep that..."
It was cold... but I was sobbing, saying, 
"I don't want it, I don't want it..." Flailing my arm...
Finally the jacket came off, and then he saw my shoes were off too
And made a comment, very quiet, and really insightful
That I wanted the shoes off because they were French
And he talked about "ballet" being French
So then I was crying and cradling the shoe...

All of a sudden, it was like watching a movie
And it wasn't me anymore, it was Gaby Hoffman
(she's in Now and Then, and a few other movies)
The boy was the guy from Wedding Crashers
(the one that paints the picture... Todd)
So then, she finally sat up, and was crying
He said something to her, but I don't remember what
But then a voice-over said, "And so she married Anguille"
And then they kissed, and I woke up.

Perfectly Lovely Day

So, today was just about the best day ever
Honestly and seriously, the best day I've had in a while
I slept in, then showered and went to Dan's office
Picked up the random extra filing cabinet
(Which my record player fits nicely on)
And then came back to my room...

Britt and A.J. called, 
Wanting to know if I wanted to go to the beach
They found this really nice park
That's not too far from Kent at all...
So we all went swimming...

A.J. brought his Scrabble towel,
Which comes with little foam, waterproof letters
So the three of us played Scrabble,
Right there on the beach!
It was amazing on so many levels
Because it felt very real and spontaneous
And made me feel different and special...
I'm insane, I know...

Afterwards, we stopped at Dairy Queen
And had ice cream on the way home.
I took a quick shower, then went to dinner 
Aaron cooked!  My favorite!  
And we chatted and had a leisurely dinner
It was nice to just sit and talk
And then I went back to my room
To do laundry and some more unpacking...

Then I went upstairs and watched TV with Katie C.
Jon and Kate Plus 8 had their season premier...
It was exciting... We shared our opinions
On everyone and everything about the show
Whilst it was playing... which made it HILARIOUS

And even though I'm thoroughly frustrated
Because this stupid internet isn't working
(I had to type this out in notepad originally)
It was a really nice night.
Class starts tomorrow... wish me luck!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Summer "Vacation"

Well, I finished classes a week ago.  
Which would have been Friday, the 15th.
And I'm almost done with my week of vacation
Sunday, I move into my new room
And then, since Monday is Memorial Day
I start my summer classes
And training for summer staff...
On Tuesday.  And that's it... that's my vacation.

I was home for the first few days...
I got to see Celia, spend a little time with Mom and Dad
And even hung out with Donny and some of his friends.
Now, I'm staying at Britt and Aud's for the second night.
I'll be here until Sunday, when (presumably)
They help me move into my new room...

I'm actually really excited for the new building.
The room is really big, and I'll have space for stuff...
Maybe I'll actually be able to use my record player...
Well, on a regular basis.  I always use it.  It's my baby.

On a side note... I miss my staff... All of them
I mean, I knew I'd miss some of them
But it's surprising how odd I feel to not have 
All the staff dinners and staff meetings...

For now, I'm gonna go get ready for bed...
Hopefully I'll think of something interesting before too long
And you'll get a decent blog post...

Sunday, May 17, 2009

End of Another Year

Well ladies and gentlemen, 
Here I am at the end of yet another academic year.  
I am completely amazed at how surreal this all feels to me.  
I'm a senior in college now... I can't believe it
Yesterday, mostly everyone left.
I only have a few residents here
And also, most of the RAs are gone...
I had to say goodbye to Connie this morning
Which was incredibly difficult to do...

Anyway, I have more to say,
But I don't have the time to say it...
Much packing must be completed before tomorrow.
Goodnight and good luck...

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Still Night

Okay, so I wrote this one Wednesday night, and it's not nearly as whiney and depressing as it sounds... I was actually in a very peaceful, quiet mood... Either way, here it is...

I watch the leaves rustle, as I rustle with them;

The wind lifting my hair…

Now, I think, I am truly alone, though I hear voices behind me.

My fingers tremble unwillingly.


It is dry now, but the water still glistens on the grass.

My stomach is full of the butterflies which are no longer outside,

For they ought to be sleeping.

The chill gusts raise goose bumps against bare flesh,

Reminding me I am real.


The moonlight kisses my cheeks softly… A fairy caress.

My eyes blink slowly, deliberately as I watch the lights in the distance

And I am empty, and alone… and it is quiet, and peaceful

But out there, in the moonlight, I know in my heart that something waits for me

And I won't always be alone...

Saturday, May 9, 2009

What Connie Said

Tonight, my friend Connie and I were watching a movie...
It was Love Actually, which was, in case you wondered
Very very good...
And I thought it would make me sad, but it didn't...
Because even though the guy in the movie that reminded me of me
Kind of got a raw deal, I got the feeling
That he was going to be okay either way...

But I digress... what I really wanted to touch on
Was something that Connie said,
And it made me actually stop and think for a second.
At one point, I got agitated, looked at her, and said,
"Why isn't he running after her?!?! Why won't anyone run after anyone?"
And Connie just very simply said, 
"Nobody runs after anyone in real life, Amanda."
She's right.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

My Meadow, My Sanctuary

There is a field of daisies 
And we are lying on a bed of clover
Off in the distance is a hill 
Covered with the fluff of dandelions.

Each floating seed carrying on its back
My wish that this is an infinite moment
That your arms will always be around me
And I am always warm in their embrace

One arm is under me, your hand on my shoulder
While I am turned into you, pressed to your side 
We are both smiling as you kiss my forehead
Your eyes sparkle in the sunshine

We share secrets with one another
And you sing to me, softly
Willing me to sing along
The harmony gentle as we lay, supine

I can hear the wind whisper, then start to shout
As dark clouds roll in, and the sky turns an angry gray
And worry crosses your face
Your eyes cloud and darken with the sky

The meadow shakes with the first loud thunderclap
A thunderclap that is one and the same
With the one that shakes my room
Waking me from my dream of you

So now, not only am I alone,
But the storm makes me wish terribly 
That there was someone more to hold me
Than the stuffed rabbit I now clutch, terrified…

The mattress, soft beneath me
Would be a welcome comfort any other night
But is as concrete on a night
When only moments before I laid in the comfort of your arms

The lightning illuminates my room
A poor mockery of the sun I thought I felt only moments ago
And the blankets now pulled up to my chin
A pitiable substitute for your arms

And worst of all, what I imagined as the gentle dandelion seeds
Bearing my wishes to eternity
Is the rain falling on my face
Through the open window above me

Dear night, kind darkness
Envelope me in delicious quiet
Hold me in your dim caress
Please let me stay for days to come.

Dearest sleep, gentle slumber
Take me back to the meadow, the flowers, the gentle wind
Take me back to nights gone by in his arms
Pray, let me rest my head on the clover

May 5, 2009-- 3:29 a.m.