Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Twenty-Five Random Things

Found this on Facebook, and they're all still true. I thought I'd re-post this here!

1. I love to know things about people… Everything that they’re willing to tell me, especially the seemingly trivial details. My favorite thing to ask people is, “What’s something about yourself that no one ever asks about, but you’re dying to tell people?” I am consistently amazed by the things people will share.

2. I am an only child. For a long time, I hated it, but then I realized that I would never put another person through my childhood… the middle years, at least.

3. I desperately want to be a soccer mom when I grow up. I want to have fresh cookies and milk out for my kids, and I want to ask them about their day while helping them with homework. Then I will permanently attach a video camera to my hand and go to all their games, recitals, plays, etc.

4. I own way too many books. One of my dreams would be to have a “Beauty and the Beast” style library in my home… walls and walls of books…

5. I wanted to be a journalist once, and then I realized I hate being told what, where, when and how to write. I was happier being the boss.

6. I’ve been told that I have a different voice when I’m sucking up to people. While I don’t doubt the truth in this statement, I’m amazed that it took me 20 years to find out.

7. It annoys me that I’m younger than all my friends sometimes, but I also enjoy it very much, because instead of feeling like I’m becoming an old woman, I’m always saying, “Yes! I caught up to everyone!”

8. I thank God every day for the friends that I’ve made and the people that I’ve been blessed enough to have in my life. I have so many families all over the place that have taken me in as their own.

9. I am constantly amazed by the goodness in people, and I wish that others would be too. I have been so inspired by the good things, both attributed and anonymous, that have encouraged me to pay it forward. I want to spend every day of my life doing that.

10. Sometimes, I feel like I’m a million years old. I often don’t realize it until I phrase a sentence or use a word in a particular way. Some days that’s just the way it is for me…

11. Going against the above point, I can be a complete and total little kid. Happy, fluffy snowflakes set me off. I will fling myself down to make a snow angel, and then think about the fact that I’m not wearing a coat… or proper shoes.

12. I have always wanted to be musically inclined, but I am not in the least bit. I took a piano course, tried to learn guitar, even wanted to sing… All were abysmal failures, but that doesn’t stop me from wanting to be great at it.

13. I love to dance. I will take any dance course at school that I can get my hands on. When I watch other people dance, I think it’s beautiful and special, and even when I’m doing it wrong, it makes me feel graceful and elegant, and like I’m a part of something bigger.

14. If I could have my dream job, I would be an actress on Broadway. I’d like to dance and sing and act, and take people away from their own lives and problems for a few hours every day. But mostly I want to dance and act…

15. One of the most touching things I ever heard about myself was from a boy in high school. We were doing a candle ceremony in class and were required to say one nice thing about each person in class. On my turn, someone said, “Amanda Borgio… if she doesn’t know the answer, she’ll find it for you. She’s the most helpful person I know.”

16. This question I’m stealing from Inside the Actor’s studio, but if Heaven exists, when the pearly gates open, I’d like God to say, “You made a difference.”

17. I have five tattoos and I want more. The story behind each tattoo is special to me, and I don’t care what people think about them. They’re mine and no one can take them away from me.

18. I am the pickiest eater that I know. Top on my list of things that I hate are condiments, spaghetti sauce, ground meat, and mashed potatoes. I hate it when food touches other food, and I am weird about messy foods… There are exceptions to every rule…

19. I get incredibly upset when I feel like I’m not needed. I hate feeling disposable, and I very much enjoy knowing that I’m needed.

20. I believe in God, because I have to believe that things happen for a reason. I can’t deal with the fact that so many terrible things happen for no reason. I know someone that doesn’t believe in God for the same reasons I need to…

21. I take more bubble baths than any normal human should. I will sit in the tub for hours and read a book, because it’s comforting and comfortable. I especially like the bubble gum smelling bubbles, even though it makes me feel like I’m about 12…

22. I pretend to be really embarrassed when my friends act foolish in the store, and I am, but at the same time, I love it, because it makes me feel real, and I know that I’m really here, right now. I know that sounds insane, but I think this is slowly saving my life.

23. Ostensibly, I have always been the person with all the answers, but I don’t think anyone really understands just how hard it is for me to say “I don’t know.” Just so you know, I have very few of the answers I really need… but who does, I suppose…

24. I am not perfect. I am not now, nor have I ever been happy with several aspects of myself, and I’d change them without hesitation if I could, but I am not ashamed of who I am today.

25. Contrary to what everyone else writes in these, I didn’t have a problem coming up with 25 things about myself. This list was incredibly easy… I guess I have a lot to say… This leads me to number 25… I think that I talk too much, and I worry that this annoys people quite a bit… I hope that people learn to tell me to just be quiet.

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