Friday, March 13, 2009

That's What I Get...

 So in my last blog, I wrote that the night had been quiet thus far, apart from the chair... I guess this is my punishment for daring to say the night was quiet...

After that post, people graffitied our elevator 3 separate times... They also overturned all the furniture in the lounge.  I had to call the police to make a report, and when the officers arrived, the one asked me, "Did you realize that someone peed on the floor in the lobby?" Sigh... No, I hadn't...

And then Tuesday night, Kelsey and I were on duty again... More graffiti.  Guess who got to clean all this up?  That's right... that'd be me... Kelsey helped out for three of the graffiti incidents, but the third time that first night, the pee in the lobby, and the lounge furniture... That was all me...

This week I didn't get to post much, because I had a fifteen page paper due.  I was up really REALLY late two nights in a row, and as a result, slept in WAY too late today.  I have a feeling I'm going to be awake for awhile...  

Either way, it's all over with, and I'm just going to try to have a relaxing, low-key weekend... I hope the same for you.

1 comment:

kellerie said...

this is college????? sad, sad statement about our future.