Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Can You See The Time?

For those of you that don't know the time of this post (or what time it is now, for that matter)
It's 6:19 a.m. Which I think means ante-meridian
I'm not really sure... either way, I'm kind of jittery... Which is an accomplishment
Because I didn't have anything with caffeine in it.
Nope, this is just good ol' fashioned sleep deprivation

You may be asking yourself why I haven't been to bed yet
Well, I can tell you, very succinctly, in two words.

Finals week.

I just finished a paper on transnational migration and the way that it affects children, because children have no say in most of the aspects of what makes a person successful anywhere... It has to do with this French guy named Bourdieu, and I wrote 12 and a half pages about it, and I'd love to tell you about it but my brain cannot explain it to you right now. Because before I wrote that paper, I wrote five pages on the 1960's and how it both succeeded and failed. And last night, I wrote a six page paper about banned and challenged children's literature, then woke up and went and took that final... And this afternoon I did a project for Black Images. And today and tomorrow I will be writing an eight-page paper about the Native American schools like Carlisle and how it affected women.

Actually, all I really want to do is sleep, but I can turn my paper in between 7:45 and 10:00 a.m. and I'm worried that if I try and sleep now, I won't get back up in time to turn in the paper. And that would be really really bad.

1 comment:

kellerie said...

all of those papers sound really interesting. I miss college!