Tuesday, February 26, 2008

It's Fun for Adults Too!

Everyone thinks that kids are the only ones
That can enjoy snow days...

Today, the weather was bad enough
For even colleges to cancel classes!
I got to sleep in...
A lot of people went sledding
And there was a huge snowball fight
On the Centenniel Greens...

The football team versus everyone...
I opted not to join in...
But my friend Tabi still managed to get hit
By one of their snowballs...
There were a couple snowforts around
And a handful of snowmen too
But the best thing that I saw
As immature as it may be,
Was a giant snow penis
Complete with snowballs...
And they used twigs for little hairs.

A tad juvenile, yes...
But still hilarious!

I'm hoping for yet another snow day tomorrow
But it probably won't happen.
As for now, I'm just watching cartoons
And enjoying a cup of tea.

Have a nice day!

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