Friday, August 20, 2010

Wow, Wow, WOW!

You cannot possibly understand how I can be so completely exhausted and ecstatic at the same time...

The last three days I have worked have been anywhere from 12 to 14 hour days... The days before that weren't a whole lot shorter.

But my staff has accomplished so much! It's been so wonderful working with them all, and watching them all work so hard. It's been so different and great to see them looking to me as the supervisor, and while it's something I'm still new at, I love it! I love that they know they can come to me for answers.

Long story short, I feel like I'm about to fall over. My knees and back hurt, and I'm exhausted beyond all comprehension, but I feel so wonderfully, gloriously accomplished.

On another note, I went back to the doctor's yesterday. (Traffic was terrible, but I'm not going into that) While he did decide that my prescription dosages were too low, they also said I don't have to come back for four months! FOUR! Not until December when they do another ultrasound. I am THRILLED!

For now, it's time for bed!

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