Thursday, May 14, 2009

Still Night

Okay, so I wrote this one Wednesday night, and it's not nearly as whiney and depressing as it sounds... I was actually in a very peaceful, quiet mood... Either way, here it is...

I watch the leaves rustle, as I rustle with them;

The wind lifting my hair…

Now, I think, I am truly alone, though I hear voices behind me.

My fingers tremble unwillingly.


It is dry now, but the water still glistens on the grass.

My stomach is full of the butterflies which are no longer outside,

For they ought to be sleeping.

The chill gusts raise goose bumps against bare flesh,

Reminding me I am real.


The moonlight kisses my cheeks softly… A fairy caress.

My eyes blink slowly, deliberately as I watch the lights in the distance

And I am empty, and alone… and it is quiet, and peaceful

But out there, in the moonlight, I know in my heart that something waits for me

And I won't always be alone...

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