Bear with me, it was a long day...
I went to bed around five this morning, woke up at seven...
I got ready, packed everything up, and was at the office by eight.
I did checkouts from eight to noonish, then got lunch.
After lunch, I moved everything back into my real room.
It was around 2:00 by this time, so I texted my staff
And suggested we all go to dinner at five.
In the meantime, I look a lovely lovely nap.
Then, at five, myself, Dan, Jason, Tom and Dani went to Rockne's
Which was lovely, and it was so wonderful to see my staff again.
The waitress almost hit Tom in the face repeatedly...
Afterwards, around six, I came back to Lake Hall and wasted time.
I did absolutely nothing until 10:00, at which point Britt called
So I went over to Britt and Aud's for awhile.
We smoked hookah, and played Guitar Hero.
The night ended with me making an impromptu run to Sheetz
For a blue raspberry slushie and garlic fryz (I hate that they use "z" on the end)
Which, in case you were wondering, were delicious.
Overall, it was just a very relaxed, low-key evening.
I felt it necessary to put up some of the pictures,
Because it made me smile that Moose kept trying to drink my orange juice.
Hope you all had a lovely day too!
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