Sunday, March 29, 2009

What I Did Today

Bear with me, it was a long day...

I went to bed around five this morning, woke up at seven...
I got ready, packed everything up, and was at the office by eight.
I did checkouts from eight to noonish, then got lunch.
After lunch, I moved everything back into my real room. 
It was around 2:00 by this time, so I texted my staff
And suggested we all go to dinner at five.
In the meantime, I look a lovely lovely nap.

Then, at five, myself, Dan, Jason, Tom and Dani went to Rockne's
Which was lovely, and it was so wonderful to see my staff again.
The waitress almost hit Tom in the face repeatedly...
Afterwards, around six, I came back to Lake Hall and wasted time.
I did absolutely nothing until 10:00, at which point Britt called
So I went over to Britt and Aud's for awhile.
We smoked hookah, and played Guitar Hero.

The night ended with me making an impromptu run to Sheetz
For a blue raspberry slushie and garlic fryz (I hate that they use "z" on the end)
Which, in case you were wondering, were delicious.
Overall, it was just a very relaxed, low-key evening.  
I felt it necessary to put up some of the pictures, 
Because it made me smile that Moose kept trying to drink my orange juice.  

Hope you all had a lovely day too!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Fire Alarms... Grr

So tonight I was doing laundry
And I had all my stuff in the dryer
I went to go on rounds
Came back, and my clothes weren't dry
So I split them into two dryers
And went back to my room

Minutes later, the alarm goes off
And after I go outside, 
I was informed by security 
That the alarm came from the laundry room
Which means that my underwear
Set off a fire alarm...

It turns out the keypad on the dryer
Had short circuited...
But even still, a whole crew of firemen
Saw all of my bras and underwear...
Just peachy...

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

In Case You Wondered...

Why yes... 
Yes Nestle's Crunch bars 
DO taste infinitely better 
At 3:21 in the morning 
When you'd rather be sleeping...
You know... just in case
You were wondering...

Sunday, March 22, 2009

I've Had Enough Nightmares For Now, Thanks...

So I'm struggling to remember it all
Like I do with all my dreams
Though usually the bad ones stick
And the good ones fade it seems...
But last night and the night before
I tossed and turned and stirred
While terror filled my sleeping mind
The way a cage contains a bird...

That didn't start with the intention to be in rhyme and it kinda came out that way... Whoops... Anyway, this is what my dreams were about...

Friday night, at staff dinner before room checks, Amanda C. and Judd were having a conversation about how there were supposedly gang shootings going on in Wal-Marts... Apparently, this stuck in my brain, because that's what I dreamed about that night.  Only instead of a shooting, it was an all out war zone... 

The only things I remember:  Andrew (an RA) attacking someone with a plastic toy archery set.  I remember that I attacked someone with a toy knife.  I think Andrew and I were protecting some little kid, but I can't remember.  I also remember being on a bus with a lot of other people who had been in this war... I remember cutting someone's legs with a little serated piece of metal (I think it was the piece of metal from the rolls of packaging tape... Andrew had broken the tape dispenser earlier that evening while we were doing room checks) but the weird thing about it was, his legs were bleeding in rainbow colors... and also, bleeding like his legs were underwater... (That's the best way I can explain it... the colors danced off his legs, but he was definitely bleeding) 

That's all I really remember from Friday night's dream...

Last night I dreamed that I work at the same place I do now, only it didn't look the same.  We were here for the summer, and there were all these little kids here.  It was myself, Dan and Amanda (my bosses) and one other RA, Andrew.  (Who seems to be in a lot of these nightmares)  We were near the water, and little kids were swimming, while the adults took them across the water to visit a "haunted house."  

I had had an incident with one of my residents (even though I know the girl in my dream wasn't a resident...) Who kept yelling and calling me a racist... which was frustrating, because in my dream, all I was trying to do was save everyone, because so many girls had already gone missing.  So I managed to stop all my girls from going into the water, but I don't remember how...

The whole time, I'm trying to get everyone out of the water, and trying to convince them not to go over to the house.  Two little kids break away from the group, and have crossed the water to the bank on the far side, where the house is.  They are up in trees.  Kyle (one of the RHDs from another building) climbed the tree to get the little boy down, and the little girl got rescued by someone else I don't remember...

So I'm holding these two little kids, one on each side of me, and I go back to sit down where Dan is.  I remember crossing the water, that they were squeezing my sides really tight with their legs to hold themselves up... There was this... porch type thing... Almost like little gazebos, jutting out over the water, but they were retractable.  (Sort of like bleachers in a high school gym) When I walked over, it was just a single bench, where Dan was sitting, leaned back against the bench, arms outstreched, with his right leg crossed over the left... in khaki cargo pants and the olive green sweater he wears...  (I remember this vividly, because usually I know when I'm dreaming, and this was one of those little things that made me doubt, because it was realistic)  This mother came by, who was leading a group of the little kids to go across to see the haunted house.  Andrew had joined us by that point as well (and was wearing khaki shorts, a blue zip-up hoodie and his hat... another one of those things that messed with reality)

 I'm arguing with this mother, telling her not to take the kids across, when finally, the woman just yells something about me holding onto those disgusting things, and who do I think I am?  Dan just looks at me and says, "Amanda, these kids are dead..." and when I looked down, they were rotting in my arms... So I kept saying, "No, they were fine... they were fine just a second ago." But now that I think about it, I hadn't felt them for awhile... So Dan took them away from me, like he was sorry about it... And the lady kept insisting that she was taking the kids to the house.

I'm not sure how this happened next, but one little girl fell in, the other jumped in after her, and then a third kid got sucked in... So Andrew dove in to save the first little girl, the mother jumped in, and I dove across the water to the third kid.  I want to say that Andrew came up with 2 kids and the mother grabbed the third by the collar, because when I jumped into the water, something grabbed my hand (not a kid) and wouldn't let go.  In the process of dragging the kids out, a panel got knocked loose from the bleacher/porch thing, and rats came scurrying out... Dozens of rats... Which died almost immediately afterward...

I finally got out of the water, and went over by Dan.  I said, "Okay, I don't want to scare anyone... But kids, I just want to say that I'm a little scared of that house over there too, and I don't wanna go.  If any of want to, I don't want to take that away from you, so you can go with the chaperone.  But I'm gonna sit right here with Dan, and if you want to stay with me, you can."

A handful of kids proceeded to come sit beside me and Dan, and Dan started telling the woman the house really was haunted.  And she scoffed at him, but he said (with a slight stutter... again, messing with reality) "And t-t-t-that's fine..." that she could believe what she wanted, but she hadn't been looking out the back windows of Olson (one of the halls I'm RA in) and seeing that house all semester.  He told us that it was the most haunted location in the country...

And then we heard screaming coming from the house... At first it was just the little yells kids give off when you frighten them, but then they turned into long, very very real shrieks of panic and terror.  The rest of the kids moved to sit with Dan and I.  

I don't remember what happened next, except I woke up in the room I'm in now.  I checked my phone, and there was a picture message from Amanda (my boss) from the house, saying how cool it was.  (So she must've been in the first group that went through)  The walls, I remember, were very very bright green.  I was afraid to look at the pictures.  

I thought I was really awake at this point, because in my dream, I went to my laptop and turned some music on iTunes... Which started wailing at me... Then I realized it was a dream, and I woke myself up.

Would You Like to Hear What I've Done for Two Days?

Yesterday, I closed up my building for Spring break
And then spent a lovely hour with my boss, Dan
And my floor partner, Tom...
Tom and I had to do all the reports from room checks...
Since Tom was on duty, I volunteered to go too, 
So he and I inventoried the building for damages, 
And chatted... And it was very nice...
Then I moved across campus for Spring Break.

For starters, they had to place me in a boy's room, 
Because there were no female spaces available in the building... 
But the one boy had moved completely out...
Regardless, housekeeping has not been here, 
So there are pieces of ramen noodle and junk scattered on the floor, 
And the microwave is filthy...

But the big thing was the fact that the bed is lofted, 
However, the safety rail is against the wall
Me being the giant four-year-old that I am, 
I get scared to sleep up there, 
Because I move around a lot in my sleep... 
So I had to drag the mattress to the floor...
And that's where I'm sleeping...

By the time all this was said and done,
It was after 4:00 a.m.
Needless to say, I slept late...
This afternoon... Well, technically yesterday
I picked up my duty phone for the week, 
Then went back to sleep...
I got up, went to Goodwill
And I got three "new" records...
The Lettermen, Elton John, and Englebert Humperdinck...
My Dad always sings the latter at karaoke...
I felt like it was a well-spent 86 cents...

When all that was said and done, 
I went to the library and took out books
Because I've deemed this "No TV week"
Actually, I didn't bring my TV
So I took out five books, 
And finished four of them already...
I finally managed to read something by Kurt Vonnegut
Though it's not Cat's Cradle, which I've reapeatdly tried to read...
It's at least something... 
And I reread Flowers For Algernon and Of Mice and Men
Books I haven't read since I was about fourteen
And it was beautiful... And I understood a lot more 

Well, now it's nearing 3:30 a.m.
And I've been done with rounds for an hour and a half...
It's so utterly quiet with no one here
I honestly jumped at my own reflection...
I think tomorrow I'll be off to the library for more books...
The only one I've got left to read is Gone With the Wind
Which I don't know if I'm ready to start yet...

The hour grows later and later...
Goodnight, and have a lovely Sunday!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Beginning of the Best Week Ever

So I'm sorry that I didn't have time
To blog about this before...
But this is fantastical news!

You know how I had an awesome weekend?
Well, this week is only getting better!
Awhile back I was really upset,
Because Dan, my boss, got transferred
To another building on campus... Wright Hall
And that was terrible and horrible

So I applied for SRA...
Which means Senior Resident Assistant
Basically, it's what I do now
Only with a bit more work
But double the money

Anyway, yesterday I got a call
To come to the office
And I got offered one of the SRA positions...
In Wright Hall!
I could say more on this, 
But I'm not sure what all 
I'm actually supposed to know...
But regardless, it was exciting news
And everything was right 
With the world again!

Afterwards, I had my job interview
For the Summer break staff
Which went incredibly well
And was very laid back 
I am not nervous at all.

Then today, I had my "Spring Fling."
It was for Swing Dancing class...
We all just got dressed up and danced
And I wore a twirly skirt
Which made me smile, because it flared when I spun

I went to wait for Britt outside her classroom
And I ran into Brett and Meggie,
The people I acted with in The Lesson.
And wouldn't you know it, who else showed up
But Bob Russell (my director) and his wife Sarah.
It was like a little cast reunion right there in the hallway...
After they left, I graded some papers...
I actually got a lot accomplished...

Then, after Britt got out of class, 
I went to Britt and Aud's
We took the dogs for a walk, 
Because it was so nice out.  
I even walked around barefoot a little...

And Aud bought a hookah
So we spent the evening upstairs
With fun grape flavored tobacco
And Sunny Delight
And a table covered in dragons
(Which was much funnier if you were there)
And it was a very mellow, calm evening.

So now I'm home, 
Blogging about this real quick
So I can study for my test tomorrow
And then try to go to bed early...

Happy St. Patrick's Day!  
I hope your week is going as well as mine is!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

3:00 a.m. And Awake

Regardless of how this might sound,
This is a HAPPY post
And I want you to know that.

Tonight, after a long week,
I went to go see a movie, by myself
And it was me in the dark
With my popcorn
Really watching the movie
And for a few hours, I was somewhere else

Afterwards, I felt lovely
And real
I ran to do some errands
And I still felt real
And okay
Even though I was by myself

And I realized there's something
I've been hanging on to
For a long time now
And tonight, I'm finally ready
To let that go

While I was thinking all this
In the car by myself
I took out my phone to record it
So I wouldn't forget 
Exactly what I wanted to say
And I hope I never forget
How I've never heard myself
Sound that steady and calm

And I know that I'll be okay

Friday, March 13, 2009

That's What I Get...

 So in my last blog, I wrote that the night had been quiet thus far, apart from the chair... I guess this is my punishment for daring to say the night was quiet...

After that post, people graffitied our elevator 3 separate times... They also overturned all the furniture in the lounge.  I had to call the police to make a report, and when the officers arrived, the one asked me, "Did you realize that someone peed on the floor in the lobby?" Sigh... No, I hadn't...

And then Tuesday night, Kelsey and I were on duty again... More graffiti.  Guess who got to clean all this up?  That's right... that'd be me... Kelsey helped out for three of the graffiti incidents, but the third time that first night, the pee in the lobby, and the lounge furniture... That was all me...

This week I didn't get to post much, because I had a fifteen page paper due.  I was up really REALLY late two nights in a row, and as a result, slept in WAY too late today.  I have a feeling I'm going to be awake for awhile...  

Either way, it's all over with, and I'm just going to try to have a relaxing, low-key weekend... I hope the same for you.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Something to Kill Time...

So it's a Saturday night and I'm on duty 
With Kelsey, for the second night in a row.
Last night someone thought that
It was necessary and appropriate
For them to throw a chair down the stairwell
Which made a ridiculously loud crash...

Tonight, rounds have been quiet thus far
But then again, it's not even 9:00 yet...
I haven't sworn in 2 days straight
And the day before that I didn't actually swear
It was a normal word, used with malicious intent...
So I counted it... Sigh...
Either way, I still haven't had pop...

For now, I'm watching the X-Files in between rounds
And waiting for the weekend to be over.  
Tomorrow, I have a great deal of research to do...