Monday, March 3, 2008

Insomnia... Whee!

I couldn't fall asleep
So I decided that this was the best sedative
Because whenever I write
It feels like I get something off my chest
And hopefully I'll sleep better this way.

I'm just really annoyed right now
Because a lot of people
Get away with a lot of stuff
Mostly because no one says anything to them
And it really really bothers me
Because it makes the rest of us
Work twice as hard to pick up the slack

And I never say anything
Because I don't want to be "that" person...
The bitchy one, you know?
So unfortunately, I often end up as that other person...
The doormat.
And I'm trying not to be...
But it's hard sometimes...

I always want to be able to help everyone
And I want to be everyone's friend
So I generally put myself out there...
But people don't always return the favor
And I'm not good about asking them to...

But I did take a step in that direction...
Not really calling them up on their IOU
But rather a polite request...
With a little sprinkling of guilt

I'm also annoyed with people
Who don't show up when they're supposed to
Because some of us,
For example, me
Are freaking out worrying about what will happen
And then end up taking on waaaaay to much responsibility.

Switching topics here...
Because I don't have anything else to say
About the previous topic...
Well, I do...
But no one wants to listen to me rant for a year and a half...

I don't write very much anymore
And that makes me sad...
I don't know what I want to write anymore.
And I would think that I should have
More inspiration now than ever...
But it just doesn't come...

Hopefully that's enough
For me to be able to go to sleep now.

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