I had a lovely weekend. I stayed with Jon in Youngstown, and we did all sorts of things. We went to dinner and a movie the first night, as well as looked around at a couple different malls and a handful of bookstores. We also went to a couple Halloween stores so I could try costumes on, and it was a lot of fun. Sunday was a nice, lazy day. We got up and loafed around, went to a Chinese restaurant for lunch, and then went back to his place and played Yahtzee while we watched Glee. It was just a very laid back, relaxing time.
Then Monday hit. It has actually been a pretty crappy week. A lot of work stuff that I can't really talk about, and then I had to make an emergency dentist visit yesterday morning. I spent most of the day on painkillers, which was kind of nice, because Jon came over to take care of me. He really made sure I was okay. There was a level of genuine concern that I'm just not used to. He brought me things and kept an eye on me while I was crawling around the apartment. He was afraid to leave me alone for very long, and probably for good reason, because I kept falling over. This wasn't a big issue until I tried to take a shower... I couldn't really stand very long, and ended up sitting on the floor of the shower. He respectfully stayed out, but kept talking to me through the door so he could make sure I was okay. It was actually very sweet.
He was also really patient with me, because I'm pretty sure I asked him for chocolate milk at least a dozen times, even though there was none in the apartment. I also got upset when I was out of iced tea, and kept sucking air through the straw and pouting. I remember watching a particularly sad moment of Glee where Jon was tearing up, and I looked at him and said, "This is sad, isn't it?" And when he said yes, I said "I think I'm supposed to be upset right now. I'm sad I'm not upset right now." Then I fell off the couch.
So right now, Jon is in Pittsburgh, because his sister just had a baby. As in tonight, just had the baby. It's so great to see how genuinely excited he is about being an uncle. There are so many wonderful things about Jon, and I can't wait to see where this relationship is going.