Friday, October 30, 2009

Trick or Treat!

So, tonight was Trick or Treat night for the hall, and for Hall Council.
Me being the awesome SRA/Hall Council Co-Advisor that I am,
I put on my costume and trudged downstairs for the event.

We had a pretty good turnout... About a dozen people.
Half of them were dressed for trick-or-treating
And the other half just wanted to pass out candy, so it worked out.
So we went through the building in our costumes,
Then headed back downstairs for the costume contest, which was good too.

We gave away iTunes cards for the winners, and a ton of candy.
It was just nice, because I hadn't trick-or-treated in ages...
It makes me excited for when I grow up and have kids of my own.

Plus, I actually feel good in my costume... I may not be a supermodel
But it's what I was wearing the other night, when I got the phone number from the mysterious boy.
And I'm not generally a girl that gets phone numbers...
I can admit that. I'm okay with that. My life works for me.

Either way, it was an awesome night.
Because my boss dressed up like a cowboy,
And then demonstrated the correct way to hog-tie a calf.
I played the part of the calf, with hilarious results.

Right now, I'm up studying
Then I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow, again...
My goal is to stay up late tomorrow, and sleep through most of Saturday afternoon
That way, when it comes time for duty, I'm fresh as a daisy...
We'll see how this actually goes, though...

And just think, only nine days until my birthday!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Wonderful, Lovely Weekend

This weekend was absolutely fabulous. Hands down, the best weekend I've had, even with the worst parts of it.

I'm not going into too much detail, because a few people that actually know me do read this... Suffice to say, it was a good weekend for my self-esteem. RA In-Service and Celia's Halloween party were both lovely.

On another awesome note, my medication is making me feel better and better. I don't always feel like I have to nap now. I mean, I get tired, but it's not completely overwhelming. Also, I'm starting to lose weight. I eat less, and have more energy. I want to be active...

I just wanted to say that I'm in a terrific mood... I hope you are too.

Friday, October 23, 2009

New Favorite TV Show?

So, in the past two days, I've become ridiculously addicted to a new TV show... Glee.

For those of you who don't watch... it's a teen/ high school drama, but with a lot of singing and dancing... Which is how I like my drama...

Okay, so maybe my love the musical genre makes me biased... But the show is wonderful! I mean, a lot of terrible things are happening to these people. Though I don't necessarily think that that's how the world works, I like the fact that all the characters look out for each other...

It makes me hopeful for the good, helpful, caring people in the world. And I think it might help people who feel different have the courage to be okay with their differences...

Anyway, just wanted to share my opinion.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Not Poetry... Coincidentally, 3 Line Stanzas

It's painfully irritating to me,
That laying together in the darkness
You always know the exact right thing to do...

Like kissing the back of my bare shoulder
It's so intimate... Like we'd never be anything but close
The moment is perfect, in and of itself... And it feels safe

Or how in the car, when it gets quiet
And a good song comes on...
Sometimes it just feels right that your hand is touching mine...

That we can say things like, "I love you"
And, "I really do care about you."
And we know that we both mean it...

We both realized that even though we love each other
I don't think that we like each other...
And we found out a long time ago that love isn't enough... not for us, anyway.

Because I have ambitions, and so do you
They're just nowhere near the same page
I don't even think we're reading the same book

And we both have those habits
That neither one is ready to give up
And the other can't handle, and we know it.

I guess for now, it's nice to have someone there to say, "I love you."
At the same time, it's just hard to hear it,
And know that it isn't going to last.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Whiney Poetry...

My head's so full of jumbled thoughts
I'm scared to face the darkness
'Cause sleep's a fright I've had too many times

I'm happy that I'm by myself
I'm sad because I'm lonely
I need you but I'm scared to let you in

And everything I'm telling you
And all the things I'm doing
Are just me looking for my peace of mind

So please don't tell me anymore
I'm making bad decisions
For now, I'm glad I'm making them at all

Monday, October 12, 2009

And the Sam the Sham and the Pharoahs Song Was On...

Hooray! Tonight, a good time was had by all...
And by all, I mean Connie and myself.

Recipe for Awesomeness:

Mix together some Wooley Bully,
A little bit of Miley Cyrus (as much as we both don't want to like the song...)
Some 3 Doors Down,
Alien Ant Farm,
Jimmy Eat World,
And The Killers...

Season liberally with cookies,
Sugary candy,
And a pinch of sodapop,

And you get two not quite grown-up,
Sugar-crazed, caffeine-riddled,
Jumping, dancing, shimmy-ing,
Giggling, laughing, kicking,
Swaying, twisting, bouncing,
And most importantly, happy girls.

And you know what?
I had the best time IN THE WORLD!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Oh, Children...

Went to my Aunt's this evening for dinner
I took Halloween cards and candy to my little cousins
And in return, they made me drawings, cards and pictures.
They're quite the little artists.

My little cousin Gillian is six... Nathan is 8, and Anna is almost 3.
They are friends with the neighborhood kids,
A brother and sister, who, I think, are around 11 and 7 years old

My older cousin and their older brother Sean, was also there.
He's in his late 20's I believe, or maybe early 30's...
Either way, he's older than me by a handful.
He was outside playing soccer with the kids while I was inside
Drinking tea and watching Wheel of Fortune with my Aunt.

Sean came in, looked at me, and laughed.
Of course, I asked what was so funny,
To which he replied, "Gillian just announced you have chubby boobies."
And he laughed some more.

Gillian, Nathan, Anna, the neighbor boy, and the neighbor girl
ALL walk through the door
And proceed to stare at me.
I blushed twelve shades of pink and stared at the table
I couldn't look children in the eyes... It was a humbling moment.

Then the 11 year old complimented my purse
(It's large, pink, and covered with Charlie the Unicorn)
And they all left...
And I was left there to ponder where children learn such things...

Either way, I suppose she's right...

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Anger at the Medical World

Rewind the clocks to the end of summer vacation.
Six weeks ago, I went to the doctor.
I was dizzy and tired all the time, along with an assortment of other issues.
Blood tests, among other things, were run.
(Which was interesting, because they couldn't find a vein... I'm Irish and pale... you can see my veins through my skin)
They were pretty sure it was my thyroid.

TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) levels (normally) are from 0.34-5.6
I was at a 5.68, which is what they call "borderline."
So, I had borderline hypothyroidism
They told me to come back in six weeks, so they could test me again.
And they told me to fast beforehand, so they could check my cholesterol too.

So, rewind the clock to last Friday.
I go in to have another set of blood tests done.
Once again, they can't find a vein
Either way, blood tests are done.

Yesterday, I get a call from the doctor's office.
"We need you to call in to schedule a follow up appointment,
To get your test results and discuss treatment."
Treatment for what?!!? They didn't tell me anything!
I freaked out all day and night... Ugh

And now we're rewinding to an hour ago.
The doctor gives me my test results...
My little "borderline" 5.68 has jumped...
To a 17.03
And now we've decided to put me on the medication.

But this isn't the worst part...
The stupid cholesterol check came back normal overall
But my triglycerides (levels of fat in the body) were high
Well, duh... I live on campus
All I eat is deep-fried crap... what else is there?

Which is the fun part... the doctor says I can't have a lot of saturated fats...
"Stay away from them."
And "avoid deep-fried foods."
She's damned me to starve to death on campus...

Sure, I could eat a salad or two... But man cannot live on salad alone...
I'm about the pickiest eater ever...
So I'm gonna be real miserable for awhile.
But I guess I can't be too upset if it means being healthy.