So, not changed at all from the morning I wrote it (I was apparently very fond of semicolons that morning...) is the dream I had on August 10, 2009.
A young girl is running; looking for solitude
She locks herself in a dim restroom;
There is a tri-fold mirror/medicine cabinet above the sink.
As she looks into the mirror, I know she is not me, but I am seeing everything through her eyes.
The left mirror panel is open
Looking forward, she is reflected simultaneously on the left and center mirrors.
The reflection in the center mirror is sober faced.
She is emotionless, save for her eyes, which are tired; defeated.
The reflection in the left mirror cries.
She does not sob; there are merely silent tears running down her cheeks.
The girl looks down at her wrists
And finds black, dotted lines across them; cut lines, with small x's at the center.
I know horizontal cuts do not kill
But in my dream, this is irrelevant.
The cut lines, mimicking elementary school, seemingly children's lines
Are real; I know that this girl will certainly die.
As she looks at the lines, at the x's
The girl takes a blade
It is curved; looking like an Arabian scimitar in miniature
It fits easily in her right hand; feels natural
As she moves to cut her left wrist
The blade catches a beam of light; reflected off the mirror
She looks up into the mirror
And I, still looking through her eyes
See a face wet with tears
But determined, and above all, smiling.
So just as blade and flesh meet, I wake.
And though the dream in itself is upsetting
I am full of hope. I know I will always be okay.