So this past weekend,
I decided that I was going home.
And I did. And it was fabulous.
I got home Saturday evening,
And first, Jess and I went shopping.
Crocker Park still had Christmas decorations up
And this made me very happy,
Because I love their giant Christmas tree.
And we looked around and I bought a few things.
Then after, we went a few other places
And at one store, I ran into Jeffrey!
I used to work with Jeffrey at McDonalds
And it's been ages since I've seen him
I didn't even recognize him at first,
But then, gasp! I realized who it was!
And I got a great big hug from him
Two hugs, actually!!! : )
And then I went back to Jess's
And we watched Mallrats,
Which I had never seen
And was actually very very funny.
Then, on Sunday,
I got to see Celia and T.J.
And I gave them their Christmas gifts.
T.J. is getting so big!
And he was absolutely adorable
I got him a fishbowl with rattly fish
And it lights up and plays music...
I got some fantastically precious pictures
Of him trying to stick his whole head in the bowl.
Sunday I also went to see Nikki
And we went out shopping as well...
Really, we just browsed a little bit
And then we watched Tiny Toons at home
But it was relaxing, and nice
Monday, I went to the high school,
And I was a guest speaker for Publications
Not only was it wonderful to see Pancat,
Who I missed terribly
(And if she's reading this, remember, Coventry! Soon!)
But I got to tell the students all about my college experience
And they're writing articles about my speech.
I can't wait to read them!!!
But it was weird too,
Because it made me feel a thousand years old
And about a million years removed from them all
I mean, a few knew me
But all the kids that didn't were kind of... distant
And that's really different for me
Either way, it was awesome, and I'm glad I did it.
Then, I came back to Kent.
And went out to the Interbelt.
Aaron was one of the other RAs on my staff
He was my duty partner, but
He's going to Tennessee for an internship this semester
And Monday was my last night to see him.
So, I went to the Interbelt
Because Aaron is my club buddy
And I love going dancing with him
I met Aaron, Paul, Derek, and Michael there
And it was a blast!
I mean, there were dull moments,
But I have never seen the place so packed before
And when "Circus" by Britney Spears came on,
It was like a scene from a movie or something...
Because the music was loud,
The lights were streaming
And I was right in the middle of it
Really, REALLY there in the middle of it,
Laughing and dancing and just being really happy
To be there with the boys
And not caring about people looking at me
And then I got lost coming back,
And I accidentally ran over a cat...
I felt really bad
But looking back now, I almost forgot that part
Because I really did have a wonderful time
And I'm really going to miss Aaron,
But I'm so proud of him and excited for his opportunity.
I just wanted to write about my weekend.
Hope yours was as lovely as mine
And involves less vehicular homicide...
Peace out, Girl Scout!