Thursday, February 28, 2008

This Literally is My Cup of Tea

Office hours, woohoo!

Normally, I would be agitated.

But being confined to my room

Forces me to find things to do in it.

I could knit...

I have a baby blanket to finish...

Miss Celia Elizabeth is a little over

7 months at the moment....

And she's absolutely beautiful!

But as for now, I'm just procrastinating...

Drinking a cup of tea, and blogging

Instead of doing the homework I should be doing...

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

It's Fun for Adults Too!

Everyone thinks that kids are the only ones
That can enjoy snow days...

Today, the weather was bad enough
For even colleges to cancel classes!
I got to sleep in...
A lot of people went sledding
And there was a huge snowball fight
On the Centenniel Greens...

The football team versus everyone...
I opted not to join in...
But my friend Tabi still managed to get hit
By one of their snowballs...
There were a couple snowforts around
And a handful of snowmen too
But the best thing that I saw
As immature as it may be,
Was a giant snow penis
Complete with snowballs...
And they used twigs for little hairs.

A tad juvenile, yes...
But still hilarious!

I'm hoping for yet another snow day tomorrow
But it probably won't happen.
As for now, I'm just watching cartoons
And enjoying a cup of tea.

Have a nice day!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Things Are Lookin Up

Well, after a terrible weekend
And a week that sucked,
Which exploded in horridness
On Wednesday
When Jess and I broke up...
Sucked until Saturday evening...

Last night I went out
With Ty and Halles
To Akron Musica
At the Mocha Maiden
And we saw Abby Kondas
And David Ullman perform
Who are both AMAZING

This of course,
Was AFTER we drove around
Downtown Akron for an hour
Because Ty was lost.
It was hilarious though.

We got home at about quarter till 2
At which point I fell asleep
Almost immediately, which is hard for me
And slept until 10:30 this morning.
So soundly that I did not hear my phone
Which I feel bad about...

Then I got showered and dressed, etc.
And ended up going to the movies
By myself, to see Juno
It's a wonderful movie, by the way.
It's the first time I've gone to the movies alone
And I have to say, it was fun
Really relaxing.

Anyway, later Dani and I
Are going to have dinner,
And then it'll be back to classes
Again tomorrow morning.

So this weekend was a good one.
And I'm hoping things keep looking up.

Monday, February 18, 2008

The Starfish Story

When I was in high school
My favorite teacher told me this story
And it's stayed with my ever since.

Thank you for letting me know
That I can make a difference

A man was walking along a beach after a storm.
The storm had caused the tide to push a bunch of starfish onto the beach,
So the man was picking them up, and putting them back in the water
As he walked along.

Soon, another man came up to him
And asked why he was doing that.
"You'll never make a difference." he told him.
"The next high tide, they'll be right back up on the beach."

The first man looked at him in silence for a moment
Then he bent down, and picked up another starfish.
He threw it into the water.
"I just made a difference to that one."

Something I've Meant to Do

For those of you who don't know,
I am addicted to tattoos and piercings.
I love them, I think they're amazing.
Here are the pictures of those that I have so far.

The first one I got on my eighteenth birthday.
November 8, 2006
The words are from the song they played
At my Great-Grandma's funeral.
I used to pick flowers for the grownups
While my cousins would sneak cigarettes.

The second one I got on December 2, 2006
My mom used to call me Boo-Boo
And she would sing me to sleep.

The third one I got December 30, 2007
It's just a little heart to remind me
That my heart should never be
Too far removed from my actions
And I should be compassionate.

This is my latest tattoo.
I got it January 19, 2008.
It's because of the starfish story
Which I'll post another blog about.

Besides that, I have my nose and tongue pierced.
Plus, four holes in my left ear
And three in my right.
And I want more!


This is my second post today!
Wow! Usually it takes me forever
To post anything.

Anyway, I want to tell you about this website.
We used it during RA training.
Basically, it's this guided meditation thing,
Where someone reads this little scenario
And you follow along with it.

Training was pretty stressful,
So I was really skeptical about this
But it was honestly lovely.

I think you should try it.
You might really like it.

I recommend it
Especially "Fulfill Your Own Potential"
Which sounds very corny,
But honestly, it's wonderful!

Cerulean Autumn

This is a poem that I wrote last year, and I came across it today.
I really like this one, which is odd, because I usually hate all I write.
But it was a nice little dose of summertime, because I still remember
What I saw that made me write this poem, and it was beautiful.
Anyway, here it is; Cerulean Autumn

After days of gray skies
Wind, rain, hail, snow
Arrives a day of fairness
The red and gold of the leaves
In contrast with the cerulean,
Not only of the sky
But of a little girl's dress
As she stands, arms outstretched
As a ballerina, or a princess
Descending stairs at court

The woman beside her,
Little more than a child herself
Lifts her up, watches with caring eyes
Walks similarly alonside,
Arms also outstretched
As the little girl balances on the ledge,
Now a trapeze artist

This little girl in blue
The beauty of her innocence
Now greater than that of the sky
Or the fairness of the weather
While she enjoys, as I do,
This gorgeous indian summer

Sunday, February 17, 2008

A New Beginning

I had to delete my old blog...
Confusion with email addresses....

Anyway, this is my new blog.
I can't really write an actual post
Not at the moment, anyway
Because I have a paper
That MUST be written.