Thursday, June 19, 2008

Seven A.M. Can Blow Me...

So... it's 7:30 in the morning...
And I am working the desk...
Until 4:00 tonight...
And that makes me want to cry
Because I am on duty tonight...
Which means I will not be sleeping
For quite some time...
And if you know me at all,
I like me some sleep...

So anyway, this has been a long week.
I had a lovely weekend with Connie.
We went to lovely Vermilion
And walked around the Fish Festival
All day Saturday...
And we did not think about the desk
Or duty... Or the millions of other things
That were waiting for us back in Kent...
We just had fun.
We ate lots of junk food, and went to the beach
And picked up fun rocks and things like that.

When we stopped at my house
So my Dad could put my new license plates
On my new car (new enough, anyway...)
My Mom and Dad both appeared to be
And if you know my parents at all
You could understand my apprehension
At introducing someone new to them.
But they were nice...
And like normal parents
And it was strange, and it made me happy
Even if it was only a one time occurance.

I took pictures, and soon I will post them
Because it was a lovely fun time.
But it still doesn't make today suck any less...

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Settled In

So it's June now,
And all our summer school students
Moved in yesterday.

The halls are full
And they're all bright eyed
And bushy tailed.
It's good to have people here again.

At night
It gets all quiet...
Like the wind is whispering secrets
Only they're the ones
You were never supposed to hear.
And it feels lonely.
Very lonely.
But now it's populated
And pleasant.

Anyway, I'm totally settled in now
At least, I think I am.
I'm going home Saturday
For the Fish Festival...
Connie is going to come too
And we're going to eat fair food.
And not think about the residence halls
Or the desk
Or anything besides fun.

Have a nice evening!